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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that isn't answered on this page, feel free to reach out at storrow@thebige.com

General Questions

When can I visit?

Outside of early summer and The Big E, Storrowton Village is not regularly open to the public to allow us to provide the best educational programming possible. We host several events throughout the year, which you can check out here, and offer tours by appointment during the fall and spring. If you would like to schedule a tour, please visit our Museum Tours page.

We are open all 17 days of The Big E from 10 AM - 9 PM.

Where are you located?

We are located along the Avenue of States within the Eastern States Exposition. When coming to Storrowton Village outside of fairtime, please enter through Gate 1 and let them know you are going to Storrowton Village Museum.

Are you affiliated with Storrowton Tavern?

Short Answer: No. The Tavern is separate from the Village and they can be contacted at (413) 732-4188.

Although the Tavern operates on its own as a functioning restaurant, it is composed of two historic buildings that were once a part of Storrowton Village, which you can read about here.

Where are the closest bathrooms?

The closest restrooms can be found in the green building behind the Phillips House, across from the New Hampshire Building.

How do I volunteer with the Village?

We have two volunteer programs: a blacksmithing program, and a general volunteer program! Our blacksmithing program reopens in March every year to a limited number of new volunteers. Our general volunteer program reopens every summer for The Big E! You can apply here.

Is the museum wheelchair accessible?

Unfortunately, only two of Storrowton Village's buildings are wheelchair accessible: the Meeting House and the Blacksmith Shop. If you contact us at storrow@thebige.com, we can work with your access needs to give you the best experience possible.

Big E Questions

Can I come to the Village during The Big E without purchasing Big E tickets?

No. During The Big E, our buildings are only open to fairgoers.

We are open 10 AM - 9 PM all 17 days of the fair.

Visiting Storrowton Village Museum during The Big E is free.

Event Questions

I bought a ticket to an event but can no longer attend, can I get a refund?

We cannot offer refunds; however, we can provide credit toward future events.

If you email storrow@thebige.com from the email address used to purchase your tickets PRIOR to the event, we will welcome you to return for another program of equal value between now and one year after the date of your original ticketed event. Additionally, your tickets could be applied toward a General Tour of Storrowton Village Museum at no additional cost.

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